b'22 CONCORD HOSPITAL TRUSTEmbracing the work ofthe TrustAccording to its mission statement,organizations, including the Newdiff erent specialties and procedures Concord Hospital exists to meet theHampshire Food Bank, the League and the providers who perform health needs of individuals within theof New Hampshire Craftsmen, Newthem. Wiley, who has contributed his communities it serves. Its a chargeHampshire Technical Institute, andknowledge as a total joint replacement mirrored by one of its medical partners,dozens of others. specialist, sees the series as an Concord Orthopaedics (Concordopportunity for doctors to further Ortho), which has long embracedThough its support of the Trust goesengage with community members and the work of the Trust and its manyback much longer, in 2013, Concordshare with them whats happening in philanthropic eff orts. Ortho joined the Benefactors Circle, alocal health care. That involvement, distinction reserved for businesses whocoupled with funding of the Trust Our mission is to provide great caremake gifts of $10,000 or more for threethrough the Benefactors Circle, has for the patients we serve, says Dr.consecutive years. The contributionsbeen and will remain a priority for Jeff rey Wiley, a surgeon and Physicianhave gone, in part, toward fundingConcord Ortho as it celebrates half President of Concord Orthopaedics.special events such as the annuala century of caring for patients inWeve had a synergistic relationshipPedaling for Payson fundraiser, ofNew Hampshire.with Concord Hospital. We havewhich Concord Ortho has been a oces throughout the state of Newpresenting sponsor since 2019; theIts important for us, as one of Hampshire, so those ideals haveChallengeScrambleGolf Tournament;the major medical groups in the gone hand in hand, and weve bothRock N Race; Crafts, Drafts & Barrels;community, Wiley says, to show benefi ted greatly. and others. And, with more than 200our commitment to the hospital as employees, the practice is able to off ertheyve shown their commitment to more than just fi nancial backing. us, and to align so we can continue providing the best care for our Being a sponsor encourages our staff patients. Weve had great success to get involved with some of theseover 50 years recruiting physicians events, White says. It allows us to befrom the best institutions across the associated with the community andcountry, and the reason were able shows that were all in this together. to do that is not only because of the Wiley and Concord Ortho CEOpractice weve built, but because of Jen White(shown above)considerIn addition to supporting the Trust and serving as the orthopaedics partnerthe collaborative relationship we themselves stewards of the decades- have with Concord Hospital.long relationship between the practiceof Concord Hospital, the physicians and the hospital. Next year, Concordat Concord Ortho are also regular Ortho will celebrate its 50th year incontributors to Whats Up Doc? a operation, along with its strong recordmonthly lecture series, sponsored of giving back to community-basedby the Trust that off ers community members a chance to learn about'