b'8 CONCORD HOSPITAL TRUSTEmbracing patients to RecoveryIn September, more than 200While the walk initially paid forpainting business, is grateful for the community members came out toprescriptions needed for patients tosupport hes received, noting, Im a show support for those with mentalbegin medicated-assisted treatment,completely diff erent person now. health and substance use disorders.it has evolved to off er fi nancialAnother patient, Quinn Young, is The 2023 Bridge to Recovery Walkassistance for everything from hygienethriving thanks to assistance from (BTRW) at Concord Hospital - Franklinkits to transportation to treatment tothe Recovery Clinic at Concord raised more than $42,000 for recoveryco-pays to grocery bills and otherHospital - Franklin. The young mother programs and services in both Franklinbasic necessities. recently celebrated four years of being and Laconia, which serve about 650substance-free. individuals. The event was an outwardIts provided us with the ability to be show of encouragement for theable to help in what seems like minorEveryone there made me feel Recovery Clinic, patients, and familyways, Gately explains, but that can becomfortable, and I never felt judged, members who are grateful fora really huge help to individuals.Young says. I dont think I wouldve its existence.been able to do it if it wasnt for the While she has been with ConcordClinic. This has 100 percent changed my Hospital since 2001, Gately joined thelife for the better.staffat the Recovery Clinic in Laconia when it opened eight years ago. AtWhen Gately considers what the that time, the Clinic primarily treatedRecovery Clinic is able to do, she patients struggling with opiate useshares how she and her team are disorder, but today helps those dealingable to embrace patientsliterally with alcohol and other addictions.and fi guratively; how the community Treatment consists of individualizedembraces the Clinic through the BTRW; plans that might include bothand how partnerships with police, medication and counseling, dependingthe Doorway (a federal grant initiative on the patients willingness to undergothat off ers access points for treatment therapy. Every patient meets with aservices for anyone in the state), the Its a really special event, says CoreyCertifi ed Recovery Support WorkerConcord Hospital Trust, and others help Gately, director of substance use(CRSW) to discuss their situation. Evento optimize programs for those in need.services at the Recovery Clinic infront-desk staffare trained CRSWs.The Trust funding allows us to be Laconia(shown above) . The Bridge toIts unique in our program that theyrecreative, Gately says. Not every Recovery Walk was started because wealways meeting with someone whosolution falls into a clear box, so the wanted to have a funding source toknows the signs, knows how to off erTrust has been very good about help people with gaps in their fi nances. services, knows how to be supportive,understanding what we need to help and isnt judgmental, Gately explains.our patients Weve made a big deal of making sure and that were always in anti-stigma mode andmakes a big treating people for a medical illness. diff erence.Bill Bixby, who sought treatment at the Recovery Clinic in Laconia several years ago and now owns a successful'