b'12 PaysoncaresANNE PETERS I An Unmistakable BondAnne Peters has had a particularlyThrough surgeries, chemotherapy,I wish I could have, Kim added. di\x1dcult cancer journey,radiation therapy, immunotherapy,Anne and Kim laughed a lot while complicated even more bymultiple doctors, side e\x1e ects,sitting together to discuss their COVID-19 restrictions already ininsurance di\x1dculties, complexrelationship. They refer to each place when her treatment formedicationseven masteringother as partners in crime.extensive small cell lung cancerappointments by video linkKim began in 2020. Thoracic Oncologyhas buoyed Annes spirits andIf you dont laugh, you are going Nurse Navigator Kim Pauliks hassmoothed the logistics of her care. to cry, Anne said. I couldnt have been her constant companion I think the important part of all ofdone it without her. I would have and much more. this is for her to be able to focus onfallen apart one too many times. the things she needs to focus onAnd when I do fall apart, she and let me worry about putting allknows how to perk me back up. of those other pieces of the puzzleFor Kim, being by Annes side together for her because she hasthrough the ups and downs of enough to worry about, said Kim. cancer is why shes a nurse.When companions wereI really enjoy helping people, restricted by the pandemic, Kimshe said. accompanied Anne to treatment as her cancer spread and kept AnnesFor Anne, Kim has helped her daughter, Jacqueline, informed asendure.Kim is my biggest cheerleader,she waited outside during AnnesYou put your heart and soul said Anne, 64, of Barnstead. Shetreatments. into your job and people like has been with me every singleShe was there, I want to say tome know it, Kim said. It means step of the way. Any time I havehold my hand, but it wasnt aeverything.any problem, she is on it. literal hold my hand because of COVID-19, said Anne.Kim is my biggest cheerleader. She has been with me every single step of the way. Any time I have any problem, she is on it. Anne Peters, 64, of Barnstead speaking about her nurse navigator, Kim Pauliks'