b'Community Impact |CONCORD HOSPITAL HEALTH SYSTEMIn February 2020, having just completed a six-month sentence in county jail, Quinn Young knew she needed to change. For more than half her life, she had substance abuse issues, the result of an escalating addiction that began in her teen years.I struggled for a long time, said Young. Id do well for a bit, then fall off the wagon. This time, I was done struggling. I had a family that was worried about me, Strong andand I knew my clock was running out.Now 31, Young is thriving thanks to her own inner strength and to assistance shes received from the Recovery Clinic at Concord Hospital - Franklin. With the Thriving help of medication-assisted treatment, Young has done a total 360, and recently celebrated four years of being substance-free. Shes particularly grateful for the support of addiction and substance abuse counselor Lori Seog. Lori is amazing, Young says. I saw her every week for about a year and she really helped me along. Everyone there made me feel comfortable, and I never felt judged.While Young has graduated from the counseling program, she knows Seog and others at the Clinic are there if she needs them. She is proud of the strides shes made, including the trust shes earned from her family and her ability to provide a stable home for herself and her young daughter.I dont think I wouldve been able to do it if it wasnt for the clinic, said Young. This has 100 percent changed my life for the better.'