b'18 CONCORD HOSPITAL TRUSTENRICHING THE OF OUR EMPLOYEESThe COVID-19 pandemic and its exhaustingThe carts also carry worry stones or small e\x1e ect on healthcare workers has prompted\x1f dget items that can be molded, squeezed Concord Hospital to revamp the way itor manipulated such as a marble in a small approaches employee wellness. mesh sleeve. Studies show such items o\x1e er Traditional wellness programs focus ona calming e\x1e ect. a healthy diet, physical \x1f tness, weightIn addition, a gift from the Trusts management and \x1f nancial concerns. Womens Giving Circle helped the Hospital But, in a pandemic, in a healthcarecreate a peaceful Oasis Room on the environment, that is the last thingConcord campus. Another generous donor these folks are thinking of, said Valerieprovided a gift to establish similar rooms Ferland, the Hospitals Employeeat Concord Hospital - Laconia and Concord Wellness Coordinator.Hospital - Franklin. Instead of \x1f tness challenges or lunch- The rooms o\x1e er a quiet place for sta\x1etime sessions for yoga, meditation orthat includes massage chairs, yoga mats, \x1f pillows, soothing sound machines, spacenancial well-being, the Hospital, with \x1f They carry free items including healthyto doodle or write in a journalevennancial support from Concord Hospital Trust, is helping overwhelmed employeessnacks; water, co\x1e ee and herbal tea;a gratitude wall for employees to leave and providers get through the day byjournals and pens; coloring books; aromagrateful messages.enhancing mental health support, o\x1e eringtherapy oils; and personal care items such recognition for their hard work andas lip balm, hand cream and toothpasteThe Hospital also hopes to include such bringing wellness to them. and brushes. relaxation spaces in CHMG practices.Concord Hospital Trust solicited donations One popular example is the Wellness onYou would think I came by with thefor wellness programs in a special Holiday Wheels, or WOW, cart. jackpot, Ferland said. They say, This is forAppeal in December which raised nearly us? They thought it was for the patients.$31,000. Earlier gifts to the Trust from Thanks to funding from the Trust andThey are shocked and very grateful. Ocean State Job Lot and an anonymous generous donors, the carts bring somedonor were used to purchase two massage relief to employees at the systems threeThe journals and coloring books o\x1e er hospitals and Concord Hospital Medicala way to doodle or express feelings inchairs for the Oasis Room in Concord. Group (CHMG) practices. writingboth methods of detaching from stress brought on by sta\x1eshortages and longer hours caring for COVID patients and many other patients now hospitalized after postponing care earlier in the pandemic.'