b'2022 5Marianne Cook, a long-timeThe four daughters of Dr. John supporter, fundraiser andFrymoyer, who were close by current Trust Board member, is usingtheir dads side during his emotional her fundraising and networking skills tolifes end last year, presented a Grateful stress the importance of expanding andHeart Award for several Hospital supporting excellent care close to home. practices and programs to show their gratitude for his care teams expertise Bill Glahn, who cycled in theand compassion. Pedaling for Payson fundraiser for years, is riding again this year with a new purpose. As a recent cancer patient, he wants to help Payson Center for Cancer Care continue to expand its excellent care and support so patients dont have to travel long distances for treatment.Years ago, long-time Hospitalsupporters Bob Skoog and Jane Skoog of Concord took their generosity to the stage when they started a theater group to establish Payson Centers Lend Me a Hand Fund. In Your Trust, Bob explains how more recently, he turned boxes of unused books into donations.'