b'13Pledged Giving |Medical StaffUnderstanding that the charitableprofessionals to the well-being of our care Concord Hospital Health Systempatients and the communities served, (CHHS) provides as an organizationSalis says. By investing in these critical comes from a mission-directed outlookhealthcare initiatives, we are ensuring is fundamental to its medical staffsthat CHHS continues to meet thecontributions to that mission, explainsmost pressing healthcare needs ofJason Mangiardi, MD. our community.Thats an important feature for allThe funds pledged by the medical of us, says Mangiardi, associatestaff will, in part, help to provide better medical director of Concord Hospitalvisibility directly to the care provided Otolaryngology and president of theby CHHS, and also help to increase Concord Hospital - Franklin and Laconiaparticipation in local fundraising Integrated Medical Staff. We all wentevents. The gift will also enhanceJason Mangiardi, MD into medicine to help. healthcare services, improve patientConcord Hospital - Franklin and Laconiaoutcomes, and foster innovationIntegrated Medical Staff PresidentMangiardi, along with Concord Hospitalthroughout the health system. The Medical Staff President Ari Salis, MD,money will be strategically allocated was instrumental in collecting $185,000to the priorities in the comprehensive in pledges from medical colleaguescampaign, including The Family Place, in Concord, Franklin, and Laconia -Skilled and Restorative Care, Payson $37,000 per year over the next five yearsCenter for Cancer Care, emergency - toward the priorities of the Concordcare, and behavioral health services.Hospital Trust. The investment will align with the Hospitals comprehensive $20- Part of the goal in having a donation $25 million fundraising campaign overfrom the medical staff is to help us the next five years. better understand what the Trust does, Mangiardi explains. Connecting the The medical staff has always supportedTrust with the providers is important, the initiatives of the health system.because seeing the good work of the But what makes this years financialTrust helps providers recognize thatAri Salis, MD pledge different is that it representsmission. A direct benefit is also theConcord Hospital Medical Staff Presidentthe first time the group has collectivelyability to continue functioning as an supported the Trust through structuredorganization giving. This unified approachthat can focusrepresents a joint commitment toon quality and philanthropy from the providerscompassionate charged with caring for the patients incare, without their community. worrying about This pledge is a testament to theprofit.deep commitment of our medical'