b'15CHampions |Giving from WithinDana Bisson, RN, MSN, became a nursehealth system sends a positive messagealso contributes to Therapeutic Arts so she could make a difference in theto the community about employeesand Holistic Services to help enhance lives of others. While Bisson was mostinvestment in their care. healing and patient experience during focused on patients when choosingtimes of recovery. Amy Martel, MD, the profession, she also has been ableDirector of ITS Client Operations Maxa family medicine practitioner who to positively impact her co-workers byMayo was inspired to give to thewas born at Concord Hospital and making a gift through Concord HospitalEmployee Helping Hands Fund by agrew up with the goal of becoming Health Systems annual CHampionsfriend whose rehabilitation from aa doctor in her community, shares Employee Giving Campaign. car accident brought unanticipatedthis understanding of how diverse expenses and hardship.patient healing and recovery needs Because I have worked alongsidecan be. Martel chooses to direct her incredible nurses and healthcare staffWe never expect to need help fromCHampions gifts to the health systems who have seen their own share ofothers, Mayo says, yet, throughgreatest need.hardships, Bisson explains, I donate aour CHampions Employee Giving portion of my annual CHampions gift toCampaign, we have a uniqueKevin McCarthy, chief administrative the Employee Helping Hands Fund. Thisopportunity to provide help that officer at Concord Hospital - LaconiaFund makes monetary gifts availablemay just as easily benefit others as and Franklin, has been working in to help our co-workers going throughit may ourselves. health care for over 40 years. He has unexpected, difficult times. I haveseen first-hand the need to prioritize known many who have benefited fromLast year, at least 120 employeesemployee well-being for the good such a giftit makes my heart sing toreceived some level of support,of the patients, which is why he know I helped make their lives better. totaling nearly $137,000, which helpedalso chooses to direct his annual them navigate unforeseen financialCHampions donation to the Employee Bisson is not alone in her desire tochallenges. The Trust is committed toHelping Hands Fund.contribute to the well-being of thoseensuring that contributions make a who work throughout the healthmeaningful difference in the health ofI recognize, system. The annual CHampionscommunity members, and is dedicatedMcCarthy says, in campaign allows workers to reinvest to ensuring that contributions areorder to take care in fellow employees and also meet directed as donors intended.of our patients, the greatest needs of Concord we need to take Hospital Health System. CharitableIn addition to her donations to thecare of each other support from those closest to theEmployee Helping Hands Fund, Bissonas well.^ Dana Bisson, RN, MSN ^ Amy Martel, MD ^ Max Mayo ^ Kevin McCarthyTHERAPEUTIC ARTS & GREATEST NEED EMPLOYEE HELPING HANDS EMPLOYEE HELPING HANDSHOLISTIC SERVICES'