b'8 CONCORD HOSPITAL TRUSTA Legacy of Care:Three Generations of WelcomingNew Life at The Family PlaceLinda Lorden grew up in Concord andBank, a role shes held for the last sixbecome a gold standard for maternity has become a leader in the communityyears, Lorden has been involved incare for the Concord community and through her work in the bankingthe banks sponsorship of the annualbeyond. Lorden has enjoyed watching industry and as a proud volunteer forPayson Center for Cancer Cares RockNthe unit grow into a space where the many local organizations. Through itRace. Shes also a board member andentire family can gather to celebrate all, one place has been a consistentformer chair of the New Hampshirenew life and support one another. She presence when it comes to welcomingBankers Association, was namedeven hopes she might one day see a members to the family. Community Banker of the Year in 2021,fourth generation of the Lorden clan and serves on the City of Concordtake advantage of The Family Place.Not only was Lorden born at ConcordSteering Committee for the Plan to EndLooking at multiple generations Hospital, she also gave birth to her twoHomelessness. Three years ago, Lordenof folks going to the same place to sons at The Family Place in 1983 andwas honored to join the Concordwelcome new life, she says, theres a 1988, respectively. More recently, twoHospital Board of Trustees. It has givensense of comfort of Lordens three granddaughters wereher even more perspective on thethere. It speaks born (in 2014 and 2021) at Concordimportance of making sure The Familyvolumes in my Hospital, marking the third generationPlace continues to be a destination formind about the of Lordens to come into the world atfamilies to be together, surrounded bytrusted resource the local maternity unit. the comfort of quality care. The Family Place is. When youre having a baby, The FamilyTheres this sense of calmness and Place is a given, Lorden says. Thewarmth around [The Family Place], health system was in our backyard, andLorden says. I know there have been we trusted it. I always felt fortunate tochanges over the years, but it doesnt have such a wonderful facility so closefeel like youre in a hospital when youre to home. there. Theres just a warmness and it makes you think, Heres my new family Through her work in banking overand this is going to be okay.the last four decades, Lorden also has felt fortunate to be able to contributeIts the excellence of prenatal and to a variety of community causes. Aspostnatal care that Lorden and her president of Merrimack County Savingsfamily have come to expect that has [ The Family Place is a focus of Concord Hospital Trusts five-year $20 - $25 million comprehensive fundraising campaign. ]'