b'22 CONCORD HOSPITAL TRUSTDonor Profile |Paul Racicot, MDAs Paul Racicot, MD, and his wife,Although he worked in the ED forby providing free breakfast through Margo, began to think about theirmany years, Racicot also credits hishis family-owned business, Boomers future, they wanted to make surecolleagues for saving his wifes life andBarbeque, and by paying for many they continued to take care of theirhis own during separate emergencies.patients to participate.community through estate planning. Its so important to have the best practitioners, he adds, and ConcordWe dont want any barriers,The former chief of the EmergencyHospital Health System has beenRacicot explains, especially for ourDepartment (ED) at Lakes Regioncommitted to that. own patients. General Hospital and Franklin Hospital, Dr. Racicot has seen a lot in his fourIn recent years, Racicot has leftIn addition to his service to patients and decades of service, including theemergency medicine and now serveshis financial commitment to Concord acquisition of those institutions byas medical director of OccupationalHospital Health System, Racicot, a Concord Hospital Health System.Health for the health system andmember of the Presidents Society, also When determining estate priorities,director of the Recovery Clinics indonates his time as a member of the the Racicots decided that one of theirFranklin and Gilford, which he helpedTrust Board of Trustees, and as chair of priorities was supporting the healthform during the height of the opioidthe Regional Council in the Lakes and systems patient- and community- epidemic in New Hampshire. Today,Three Rivers Regions. The generosity he focused healthcare model. the clinics serve about 700 patients. Hishas displayed will continue to support interest in helping to raise awarenessthe health system and the Trust well Community hospitals are gems inas well as financial assistance for theinto the future through his planned gift.the healthcare system, Racicot says.clinics led to Racicot co-foundingAs my wife and I went through the Theyre really your own family, friends,the Bridge to Recovery Walk (BTRW),process of making a trust, it was very and neighbors who are going to bean annual event that offers outwardimportant to put the hospital in our taking care of you. Theyre placessupport for those with mental healthestate plan and make sure our heirs had where, when a situation is critical andand substance use disorders. The 2024those instructions, he says. We feel you need your life saved, its going toBTRW at Concord Hospital - Franklinbetter with Concord Hospital Health be your local community hospital. Weraised over $40,000 for recoverySystem in our estate.need philanthropy to be able to helpprograms and services in both Franklin purchase technology equipment toand Gilford.keep us state-of-the-art.While his humility doesnt allow him to take too much credit for it, Racicots generosity has been pervasive over the years. A record of 235 people walked in the 2024 BTRW, and Racicot played a role in that milestone, both'