b'16 CONCORD HOSPITAL TRUSTHeartfelt Care Close to Home: New Technology Brings Peace of Mind Though he wasnt particularlyof Concord Hospital Cardiology wasbe costly, stressful, and present a major concerned, Laconia resident Peterinstrumental in the fundraising efforts,burden on the health system.Spollett reported shortness of breathwhile the Apple Blossom event wasduring his annual checkup withco-chaired by Gilford-based volunteersSpollett was impressed by the care cardiologist Ayesha Nazeer, MD.Les and Diane Cartier. he received from the team of medical professionals in Laconia, including My father died of a heart attack whenThe unit was one of three outdatedHoang and Cardiac Sonographer he was younger than I am now, so Ivemachines replaced across ConcordJeanne Peterson, and the speed with been sensitive to it, says Spollett, 73.Hospital Health System, and has helpedwhich he received his results. He Ive been conscious of [cardiovascularto standardize quality of care, improveappreciates the opportunity to receive health] and have had it checked apatient, staff, and provider satisfaction,high-quality testing without the stress couple of times. I just feel like its aand enhance visibility, efficiency, andand expense of traveling to a facility good thing to do. access to critical cardiac testing.farther from home.Dr. Nazeer ordered an echocardiogramThe newer system makes for clearerIt was convenient to have it right up as a follow-up, and Spollett scheduledpictures, especially with criticallythe street, and I received the results in the test at Concord Hospital - Laconiasick patients, which is a scenariomy patient portal quickly, he says. Its (CHL), a 10-minute drive from his home.when picture quality suffers thegood peace of mind. The staff made The convenience of local care was notmost, explains Dr. Allen Hoang,me feel like the procedure was routine, lost on Spollett, who has frequentlythe cardiologist who read Spollettswhich also made traveled to Concord to receive otherechocardiogram. Because of this,me feel at ease. I medical treatment over the years.we are better able to detect criticalappreciated that.In addition to the proximity of thefindings, address them promptly, and hospital, Spollett also benefited fromknow when patients need a higher the new technology that was recentlylevel of care. These machines help installed at CHL.reduce unnecessary transfers that can In May 2023, the Concord Hospital Trust Regional Council, overseeing philanthropic activity in Laconia and Franklin, introduced the Apple Blossom Social, an event attended by 80 people that raised more than $113,000 to support the replacement of an echocardiogram machine at Concord Hospital - Laconia. Dr. Michael Newton Les and Diane CartierAPPLE BLOSSOM SOCIAL EVENT CO-CHAIRS'