b'2 CONCORD HOSPITAL TRUSTConcord Hospital TrustThe Mission of Concord Hospital TrustBoard of Trustees 2024is to serve as the philanthropic arm of Concord Hospital Muriel Schadee, CPA, ChairSteven McManis, Vice Chair Health System, securing and distributing charitable gifts Marianne Cook, Secretary in accordance with donors intent to support the hospitals Charles FanarasIMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRAND mission of meeting the health needs of individuals within NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAIRScott Sloane, Treasurer the communities it serves.(EX-OFFICIO)Robert Steigmeyer, President and CEO(EX-OFFICIO)~Kimberlee G. Burgess, Esq.Kenneth A. Deloge, MDBarbara JobinRegina Martin, PharmDSuzanne Meyer, RNMarcia Moran, Esq.Manisha Patel, DDS, ChairCONCORD HOSPITAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES (EX-OFFICIO) Paul F. Racicot, MD Chief Advancement Officers Message 3Robert SegalSean SkaboChampions of Care 4Table of ContentsAlexandru M. Vaida, MD Transforming Emergency Care 6Don Welford A Legacy of Care 8~ Margaret Pillsbury Society10Veronica L. Rosa, EdD PLEDGED GIVING|Medical Staff 12Chief Advancement OfficerCHAMPIONS|Giving from Within14Emeritus Trustees Heartfelt Care Close to Home16Mary Boucher MEET THE NEW TRUSTEES18C. Thomas BrownMichael Lynch, MD DONOR PROFILE|Paul Racicot, MD 22Richard W. Pitman Benefactors Circle|2024 Donors 24 Gerard V. Smith, MDClaudia Walker COMMUNITY COMMITMENT|Daymark26Ronald Yap, MD 2025 Upcoming Events 28Honorary TrusteesHarriet Resnicoff'