b'26 CONCORD HOSPITAL TRUSTCommunity Commitment |DaymarkWhen it comes to philanthropy, theresTrusts Benefactors Circle in 2019. Theinformation, and give doctors and a certain outlook that accompanies thedistinction is reserved for businessesnurses quick access to data.decision to contribute to the well-beingwho make gifts of $10,000 or more for of others. Its that way of thinking thatthree consecutive years. This year, the ITIts great being able to come up has compelled Tim Donovan, foundercompanys contributions will go towardwith solutions for the health system and president of Daymark, to supportemergency services across Concordthat help ensure the community is Concord Hospital Health System andHospital Health System. going to get the best care, Donovan the Trust for more than two decades. explains. And part of that best care is The Benefactors Circle is a greatnot only the fantastic medical staff and We have a mindset of giving backopportunity to direct some of thoseoperations team supporting patients, to the community, says Donovan,funds into different programs and showbut also the technology behind it tospeaking on behalf of himself and hisour commitment to the health systembe able to provide that excellent level business partner, Brian Casey. Whenand the community, Donovan says.of service.we looked at Concord Hospital HealthThe programs they put in place are System and some of the great thingsfantastic. When there is a committedDonovan talks about the importance of they were doing for the area in Newgroup of donors with funds to supportsupporting community organizations, Hampshire, we knew this was a reallyimportant initiatives, they can reallyand notes that his company contributes good opportunity for us to help. start to do some strategic planningto other causes through its Daymark over a long period of time. Solutions Charitable Trust, including nonprofits that provide access to In addition to financial contributions,health care or help reduce healthcare Daymark also supports Concordcosts. Hes been impressed with the Hospital Health System through itsCommunity Health Improvement Plan, IT infrastructure business. Althougha roadmap for improving health and the company is based in Burlington,wellness in the Concord Hospital Health Massachusetts, Donovan formed aSystem between 2024 and 2026, and relationship with the health systempleased to support that initiative. through a previous employer, and that connection continued when heIf we can be part of that and help in founded Daymark. Concord Hospitalany little way, he says, then were all Health System is one of Daymarksabout doing that While Daymark, an informationlongest-standing clients. As with itsand giving back.technology (IT) company, has beenother customers, Daymark helps the supporting Trust initiatives sincehealth system design and protect its 2003, including acting as a presentingdata infrastructure, both on-premises sponsor of the annual Concordand in the cloud, to safeguard against Hospital Golf Invitational and handingcyberattacks, protect sensitive medical out free ice cream at the event, they officially joined Concord Hospital'