b'Non Profit Org.U.S. Postage PAIDPermit No. 256Manchester, NH250 Pleasant StreetConcord, NH 03301Mark Your Calendar:Please Join Us as Concord Hospital PresentsSilver Save the Date Admit OneScreen Social Thursday, March 27, 2025Pembroke Pines Country Club|45A Whittemore Road, Pembroke, NH 03275Other Upcoming Events:Florida Spring Training Red Sox Event, March 2 | RockN Race, May 7 | Laconia Golf Classic, May 19 CH Golf Invitational, August 11 | Pedaling for Payson, September 6 | Bridge to Recovery Walk, September 21We are a charitable organization which exists to meet the healthneeds of individuals within the communitieswe serve. Your is produced and published by Concord Hospital Public Affairs as a service for our donors and community members.2024 ch-trust.orgConcord Hospital Trust, 250 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH03301.Phone: (603) 227-7162TTY (603) 228-7135Assistive hearing or visual devices and language interpreters are provided free of charge to patients and their companions upon request. For address changes, to be removed from mailing list, or to receive Concord Hospital Health System publications electronically, please e-mail your request to chtrust@crhc.org.PRODUCED BY CONCORD HOSPITAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS WRITER | 930 CREATIVE, LLCPHOTOGRAPHY: davewhitephoto.com; staceybrobst.com; creativefocusnh.com; Concord Hospital Public Affairs staff; Pg 7 photo courtesy of Linnea Fraser; Pg 9 photo courtesy of Linda Lorden;Pg 20 photo courtesy of Sean Skabo; GettyImages, Inc. All models used for illustrative purposes only.'