b'10The support, from the community and from the Hospital itself, is important as COVID-19 continues to tax Hospital employees throughout FY 2021.This has been and will continue to be a very trying time for people in health care, said Dr. McLeod. The impact on mental health and stressors in health care will be felt for a long time and the number of people leaving health care, retiring early or are burnt out cant be overlooked. Positive OutcomesCOVID-19 made for tough times, but has offered some positive changes at the Hospital. Patients and Hospital staff will continue to benefit from more efficient and streamlined processes regarding testing, exposure to disease and treatment. Patients will benefit from continued use CONCORD HOSPITAL NURSES CARING FOR COVID-19 PATIENTSof telemedicine, which helped tens of thousands of patients continue their care at the height of the pandemic Resiliency Community Support when in-person visits were not possible.Hospital and CHMG staff and providers,During the pandemic, the HospitalAnd they will benefit from the already taxed by months of COVID-19,learned how much the communityHospitals ability and resourcefulness, continued to step up in 2021. It wasappreciates its work. Handmade signsthrough its staff, to pivot quickly in truly inspiring, Dr. McLeod said. Itstill dot lawns near the Hospital showingthe face of unprecedented challenges was a scary time for everybody withsupport and caring for the medicalto ensure safe, quality care for the the numbers we were seeing and notproviders and staff who supported andcommunity.knowing where it was going to go. cared for the community.Staff and providers were resilientGrateful residents baked cookies,working longer shifts, taking onsewed masks, donated meals, made additional duties and caring for morehand sanitizer, contributed cash or gift seriously ill patientsamid concernscards and literally cheered on Hospital about their own safety and the safetyhealthcare providers and employees.of their families. They cared.In gratitude, the Hospital took boldThe real benefit to employees was to steps to address employee wellnessknow how much they were supported and compensation. [ see Our Peopleby their community, to know they were story, page 14 andFinancial Strengthnot alone, said Chief Advancement story, page 82 ] Officer Pamela Puleo.'