b'38Delivering Coordinated Care Sam Mostue / Concord HospitalMelissa Clay, CMAConcord Hospital Family Place Prenatal Care in Laconia provides prenatal and post-partum care for women in the Lakes and Three Rivers RegionsHannah Fontanez, RN David Stevenson, MDAshley Morelwho choose to have theirPatient Service RepresentativeLucy Wilsonbabies at the Hospital. Certifi ed Nurse MidwifeThe experienced care team inTHE CONCORD HOSPITAL FAMILY PLACE PRENATAL CARE TEAMLaconia is closely aligned with the childbirth experts at ThePregnancy is not a time for families toConcord Hospital Family Place Prenatal Family Place in Concord,worry about long drives to numerousCare opened in October 2019, a medical appointments or having theiryear and a half after LRGHealthcare ensuring coordinated care forimportant care divided among variousclosed its birthing unit. During those patients before, during andhealthcare organizations. 18 months, care for pregnant moms after childbirth. Fortunately, many Lakes and Threecould be complicated as many women Rivers Regions families rely on Concordreceived care locally by providers not Hospital Family Place Prenatal Careaffiliated with the Hospital, yet gave in Laconia as part of a system ofbirth in Concord. comprehensive, coordinated care. TheyTo address these concerns, it was visit a local office with trusted providersinitially felt that Lakes Region mothers before and after childbirth and benefi twho chose to have their babies at from the childbirth experts at ConcordConcord Hospital should receive their Hospital to deliver their babies.prenatal and delivery care in Concord, where the care could be coordinated and documented within one medical record.'