b'58THE IMPACT OF OUR CHARITABLE ACHIEVEMENTS|Lynne Doyles StoryAs Lynne Doyle of CanterburyThe extra caring began after the heartShe found comfort from Nancy anticipated treatment for aggressiveailment ruled out the initial cancerLockhart, who fi ts mastectomy patients breast cancer, she was confronted bytreatment plan. Payson oncologistwith prosthetics; from oncology a second devastating diagnosisaDr. Frederick Briccetti, of Newnutrition specialist Megan Ryder, her serious heart ailment discovered duringHampshireOncology-Hematology,go to person, whose nutritional cancer screening tests. called from vacation to reassure Lynneadvice remains important several years The heart problem forced specialiststhat they would help get her cardiacafter treatment; and from Catherine at Concord Hospital Payson Center forproblem addressed quickly andGrappone, who manages Paysons Cancer Care to alter Lynnes treatment.develop another cancer treatment plan. HeartGifts Boutique, which provides Instead of receiving treatments thatHe made me feel so comfortableitems such as hats, scarves and wigs for could have further damaged herabout getting this care, said Lynne. patients who lose their hair.heart, she had a mastectomy andShe received a call from Concord chemotherapy. The cardiac pacemaker/ Hospital Cardiology that very after-defi brillator implant she also needednoon, had a consultation the next day would wait until after her cancer care. and further testing the day after that, all in preparation for post-cancer cardiac treatment.After her mastectomy, Lynne underwent chemotherapy and physical therapy to rebuild muscle strength lost throughHEARTGIFTS BOUTIQUEthe months of punishing treatment.Through it all, she found friendlyYou go through terrible feelings and faces and counted on the HOPEyoure so changed, not only physically, Resource Center stafffor caringbut mentally, but you have these beyond her medical treatment. people there supporting you, Lynne Payson Centers medical care is great,said. They know what you are but the HOPE Resource Centerthatgoing through.is the piece that makes it whole, Lynne said.HOPE RESOURCE CENTERThrough her complicated cancer journey, Lynne said she was well cared for medically and emotionallyLearn more about the by Paysons cancer experts andHOPE Resource Center CONCORD HOSPITALspecialists at the HOPE ResourceinvestedCenter, who provide counseling,O LE A R more thandietary guidance and overall supportT Nat no cost for patients andN M $352,806A Otheir families.C RS E HOPE Resource VIEW ES Center programs CPR VI and services. *OG ERRAMS AND S* In Fiscal Year 2021 (October 1, 2020September 30, 2021)'