b'CONCOCRODN HORP A TNAUL ALN R RPO R T U|RCOM LUIA TO GAINVD A WRTEHD P O E 73C SDI THAOLS PNI A NEUPAOLR TE| O AFFMI NTII YN ~S IN GCCI ITUARTPIONSSRooftop Healing GardenThe Hospital patients, families andLocated next to the ICU and not far medical providers soon will have a new,from the OR waiting room, the outdoor beautiful natural space to enjoy somerooftop space faces southeast allowing fresh air just steps away from the sterile,for delightful sunlight and beautiful often stressful, environment insidestarry nights. the Hospital. The garden enhances the advanced Work began on the Hospitals renovat- medical technology and clinical ed and expanded Rooftop Healingexcellence that surround it. Studies have Garden in September. It is scheduled toHARNUM CRANE & RIGGING SERVICESshown that such space reduces stress open in the spring to off er a quiet spaceBRINGS PLANTINGS TO THE ROOFTOP and anxiety for patients, families and for family visits or private refl ection andstaffand contributes to faster rates of rejuvenation for patients, physiciansThe original green roof was built inhealing with less medication. and staffalike. 2006. Over the years, many patientsThe garden, a project of the Concord visitedbed andHospital Trust, is being funded by medical tubes includedmonetary donations and in-kindso they could feel thecontributions of services and goods sun and breeze. Thefrom area businesses.daughter of one ICU patient even had her wedding there so her father could attend.ROOFTOP HEALING GARDEN DESIGNED BY BEDFORD DESIGN CONSULTANTS, INC.'