b'48Health needs in the 30 communitiesthe community, Rhynhart said. ItPromoting health access for all, served by Concord Hospital werecontinues to accelerate and the need tohelping residents navigate to identifi ed based on interviews,have access continues to be critical. community resources to help meet surveys, community and HospitalThe growing behavioral health concernbasic needs, continuing to seek ways data analysis and other communityovershadowed plans to address someto reduce barriers to accessing care assessments. The review alsoneeds identifi ed in 2018, includingand encouraging healthy behaviors compared priorities identifi edencouraging healthy behavior. will all factor into developing the through a 2020 assessmentimplementation plan, Rhynhart said.conducted in the Lakes and ThreeWe have not been able to engage people as easily in lifestyle and behaviorHaving basic needs met has a great Rivers Regions by LRGHealthcare,impact on your ability to work on now part of the Concord Hospitalchanges, Rhynhart said. The priority has been on getting people connectedhealthy behaviors, she said. If you do health system.not have a place to live or food to eat with mental health services. Thats been As in previous assessments, behavioralthe overriding holistic health concernyou are not necessarily going to be health was identifi ed as a substantialfithat we have needed to address. guring out healthy lifestyle changes, concern, which has becomelike what trail you are going to run on.more urgent. The pandemic has created greater awareness and acknowledgement Clearly mental health and substanceof disparities in how a range of use has risen as a result of the pandemicvulnerable populations are challenged and has had a signifi cant impact onin accessing health care.The 2021 assessment identifi ed nine signifi cant community health needs, listed alphabetically: Access to Health ServicesAging Population Concord Hospital implemented scores of Basic Needs, such as Housing and Transportation programs and services and invested tens of Chronic Diseases millions of dollars to meet needs identifi ed since the COVID-19 and Its Eff ects 2018 Community Health Mental Health Needs Assessment. They included everything Navigating the Healthcare System from nutritious, heart-healthy meals programs Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity (healthy behaviors) and health screenings to fi nancial assistance Substance Use Disorder and integrating medical and behavioral health services.'