b'66THE IMPACT OF OUR CHARITABLE ACHIEVEMENTS | Doorway withRecoveryThe Recovery Clinic provides medication as a fi rst step toward recovery, a change from past care that required patients to participate in a treatment program fi rst.Corey Gately, MLADC, Director of Substance Use Services for Concord Hospital - Laconia and Franklin, said the medication-fi rst approach treats substance misuse the same as other medical conditions. Heart attack patients, for instance, fi rst receive medication and other care to save theirGetty Images / Photo used for illustrative purposes only.lives, then learn how to make lifestyle changes to keep them healthy.Our Recovery Clinic is very good about saying, Lets get the medication started, Gately said. Well keep asking about counseling and talking to you about your life, but lets get the medication started and get you Vital programs at Concord Hospital - Laconias Doorway program is onefeeling better.Laconia and Concord Hospital -of nine in the state funded throughThe combination of services, Franklin off er residents of thea federal grant. It is part of a networkincluding respite centers that Lakes and Three Rivers Regions adesigned to make sure everyone inprovide safe shelter, is important to comprehensive approach to fi ghtingNew Hampshire lives within an houra clients well-being and recovery.substance use. of immediate help for Substance The goal isUse Disorder. to make sureThe Doorway provides clients residents inimmediate attention and quickly need haverefers them to respite care, inpatient access totreatment, counseling or other servicestreatment through community and optionsagencies. The Doorway also that may help them begin eff ectiveprovides resources and treatment with counseling andsupport for people seeking medication assisted treatment (MAT). help for loved ones.This is accomplished through the Doorway at Concord Hospital - LaconiaThe Doorway averages 65 calls per month from potential and the Recovery Clinic at Concordclients asking for help and another 45 from people seeking Hospital - Franklin and Hillside Medicalresources or help for a family member or loved one.Park in Gilford, with support fromAn average of 35 people per month (walk-ins) arrive community partners. at The Doorway seeking services.The Recovery Clinic treats an average of 650 individuals at any given time, with an average of 450 patient visits a month.'