b'22AValuedNURSE IN A SUPPORTIVE HEALTH SYSTEM Caity Casey, RNCaity Casey has many responsibilitiesfrom the kitchen staff , to facilities, to as the Clinical Lead Nurse atenvironmental services, she said. You Concord Hospital - Franklin, includinghave a second supportive family with interviewing prospective nurses.you every day.During those conversations, sheIn addition to caring for patients cautions nursing candidates that if theyin the Medical/Surgical Unit and hope to be an invisible part of anBehavioral Health Services, Caity impersonal organization, they are inhas administrative and leadership the wrong place. duties. Despite not being in an official Since Concord Hospital purchased I tell them If you are looking to just bemanagement position, she feels valuedLRGHealthcare in May, Caity and her a number or a face, this is not the placethat Hospital leadership seeks andFranklin colleagues have been working for you because here, you are a face, aconsiders her ideas.closely with their counterparts in name and a story, she said. In nursing school, Caity believed sheConcord to integrate operations. They Caity knew very little about the formerwould work with children or infants infeel fortunate they are able to continue Franklin Regional Hospital when shepediatrics or a neo-natal intensive careserving their patients as part of the was recruited to work there in 2018,unit. Instead, she now fi nds rewardingConcord Hospital health system.but quickly realized she had beenwork with many behavioral health orWe have a future now, she said. welcomed into a large family. geriatric patientssome who areWithout the purchase, we wouldnt You get to know everybody youreceiving long-term care. have been able to maintain health care are working with in this Hospital,I get so attached to my patients, shein the Lakes and Three Rivers Regions.said. They steal my heart.I recognize that patients have a whole life behind them that we might not know about. Its important to me to hear who they were before they came into our care.^CAITY CASEY, RNCONCORD HOSPITAL - FRANKLINspeaking of long-term geriatric patients she cares for at Concord Hospital - Franklin.'