b'CONCORD HOSPITAL ANNUAL REPORT | OUR CARE ~ PATIENT FIRST 33Gretchen Andrews, RN Kathleen DIRECTOR OFWieliczkoQUALITY PERFORMANCEPATIENT RELATIONS AND PATIENTCOORDINATORSAFETYEveryone was very friendly, I want to thank all of the workers in your facility for everything they do every day. A GRATEFUL PATIENT Sam Mostue / Concord HospitalThe government (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) still requires a specifi c paper survey for a portion of patients who receive care in hospitals. Digital surveys have replaced paper at most Concord Hospital locations including Concord Hospital - Laconia and Concord Hospital - Franklin. *April 2021 - September 2021 responses to How likely would you be to recommend this facility to your family and friends? 0Not at all likely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Extremely Likely.83.1 percent responded 9-10; 9.5 percent responded 7-8; 7.4 percent responded 0-6.'