b'CONCORD HOSPITAL ANNUAL REPORT | A MESSAGE TO OUR COMMUNITY 3One year ago, we refl ected on whatPeople leaving the healthcare fi eld dueThe relationship that our health was then thought to be the mostto burnout, combined with a tightsystem has with the communities it challenging year that Concord Hospitalemployment market and rising wages,serves is synergisticwe need each had faced in over two decades. Then,have created shortages that exacerbateother to succeed. Our mission is to along came 2021. the stress and exhaustion of ourmeet the regions health needs as This past year has been fi lled withcommitted healthcare workers. Beyondidentifi ed through systematic health signifi cant challenges along with manyour minimum wage increase and theneeds assessments and evidenced in ups, downs, twists and turns. Was itLoyalty Program, we have implement- our annual Charitable Achievements only a year ago that we all hoped theed many other initiatives that refl ectReport. At the same time, we cannot be worst of the pandemic was behind usour concern and commitment tosuccessful without Our Community. only to have a signifi cant surge lastOur People, which is our most The volunteerism, ambassadorship and December and the largest and mostvital resource.philanthropy shared with our health signifi cant event since the pandemicThe journey to acquire LRGHealthcaresystem day in and day out sustains us began with the Delta wave that arrivedwas a mission-driven imperative,and we are grateful. this fall? Yet, amidst the surges, Concordpreserving jobs and, most importantly,Our 2021 fi nancial results exceeded Hospital didnt pause in providing careaccess to quality health care locally.our expectations during a difficult year. to all who arrived at our doors. We wereOn May 1, 2021, what was onceWith higher than anticipated patient determined to meet the pent-up healthLRGHealthcare officially became partvolume, combined with remaining needs of our community members toof the Concord Hospital health system.open during the pandemic surges and the best of our abilityand do so safelyFull integration will take time, andsupport from FEMA, we realized anall while we battled COVID-19.physicians, advanced providers andoperating margin of 3.2 percent in In 2021, the Hospital implementedstaffat all of our facilities and practices2021, which is consistent with our a new management structure, oneare anxious to work together to rebuildhistoric operating margin averages. that partners medical staffleaderssustainable health care for the region.A thoughtful operating margin ensures with nursing leaders to oversee keythat our health system can invest in Our physician partnerships createprograms and services that respond areas of patient care, for instance,local resources that build community emergency care, inpatient care, primaryto health needs and refl ect our members confi dence as they accesscharitable mission. Concord Hospital care, surgical care and others. Thesecare in the Region. In addition to the partnerships proved both eff ectivehas the highest bond rating of any integration we have done within theNew Hampshire hospital. This great and benefi cial, supporting Our Care facilities and practices in the Lakes and as we faced unprecedented numbersachievement, amidst responding to Three Rivers Regions, we have workedthe pandemic and acquiring the assets of patients seeking service.to engage community members of LRGHealthcare, is the result of our Even as our fi scal year came to a closethrough a series of meet and greets.thoughtful approach to fi nance and and a new one began, staffing remainedWe want to learn more about the regioncareful execution of our plans.one of the most difficult tasks.and we want people in the region to learn more about Concord Hospital. Respectfully submitted,Robert P. Steigmeyer Philip Emma Tanja VanderLinde, MDPresident and Chief Executive Ocer Chair / Board of Trustees President / Medical Staff'