b'CONCORD HOSPITAL ANNUAL REPORT | OUR COMMUNITY ~ GIVING WITH PURPOSE 47Health Needs AssessmentEvery three years, the Hospital conducts a comprehensive survey to determine what the community members it serves consider as their most pressing health needs, then develops a plan to address those needs.The Capital Region Community Health Needs Assessment identifies what Concord Hospitalgroups of residents are vulnerable, what specific health concerns are involved, what specific locations are affected and why the problems exist.commits itselfBetsey Rhynhart, Concord Hospital Vice President of Population Health, said the needs identified in 2021 are similar to those identified in 2018, with one overriding addition: the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. to servingIn terms of feedback from the community, the pandemic was front and center, she said. That is substantially different from the 2018 assessment.communityWhile offering challenges to implementing parts of the previous plan, the pandemic provided fertile ground for the Hospital and the community to members healthdevelop creative solutions to address priorities such as keeping residents needs. At the sameconnected to health care, behavioral health programs and social services.time, community members are committed to helping us in that mission through volunteerism and philanthropy. TELEHEALTH APPOINTMENTS HELPED PATIENTS MONITOR THEIR CONDITIONS AT HOMEWe learned that our community is resilient and adaptable, Rhynhart said.^ The solutions included speedy development of telehealth to help residents Pamela Puleo, FAHP reach their care providers by phone or video link, as well as quickly develop-ing widespread COVID-19 testing and vaccination programs. Those CONCORD HOSPITALachievements will help address future community health needs long CHIEF ADVANCEMENT OFFICER after COVID-19. Improved access to testing, community resources and treatment was built rapidly and continues to evolve as the pandemic unfolds, Rhynhart said.'