b'26Partnerships|Granite VNAFrom newborn visits to hospice care, and addressing the unique challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Granite VNA is a long-time, valued partner with the Hospital in caring for the community. Weve always provided care to primary and specialty care patients and patients who have been discharged from the Hospital, said President and CEO Beth Slepian. Granite VNAs services include skilled nursing care; physical, occupational Original photo courtesy of Granite VNAand speech therapy; behavioral health; social work; spiritual care; paraprofessionals; and palliative care. Some programs are supported by the Trusts Healthy Beginnings Endowment, including Babys First Homecoming, in which Granite VNA nurses visit newGranite VNA often is an extension ofAn important accomplishment of 2021 parents and their newborns soonthe Hospitals primary and specialtywas helping keep residents connected after childbirth. The Trust provided acare practices, providing servicesto their care during the pandemic. Community Service Fund Award toat a patients home, as ordered and help patients with advanced stages ofWe saw many COVID-19 patients in the directed by their doctor. The closecommunity, including some patients serious illness manage their conditionties benefit the Hospital, Granite VNA, at home.who didnt go to the Hospital or to and ultimately, patients, who avoidtheir doctors. We were able to work unnecessary hospital visits.with the physician practices to make Its a mutually beneficial relationship,sure patients received the care they Slepian said. We work with theneeded, Slepian said. Sometimes Hospital and CHMG practices to makeour staff were the only people those sure patients are cared for outside ofpatients saw for a long time. the Hospital walls and the relationship allows us to make sure the community gets the best care possible.'