b'CONCORD HOCSOPINCO R ARNTN A LRAEFPFOIL O N AN A A TTAETMIONS 85TAL ADN NHUOASLP IRTEAPLOU| RITA TI| SFI NADNCCICLR ESDTAI E TConcord Hospital Financial StatementSTATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES Revenues and Expenses Fiscal year ending September 30 (in thousands)Statement Guide20212020Net patient revenues$598,533$455,512 NET PATIENT REVENUESOther operating revenues58,74368,797 Reflect gross charges less contractual Operating revenues total$657,276$524,309 allowances and discounts including uncompensated care. Salaries & benefits378,377314,010 MEDICAID ENHANCEMENT TAXServices & supplies200,133152,448 A tax levied by the State of New Depreciation & interest31,04226,950 Hampshire based on hospital Medicaid enhancement tax26,63122,572 net revenue.Operating expenses total$636,183 $515,980GAIN FROM OPERATIONS Gain from operations21,0938,329 Excess of revenues over expenses Non-operating revenues69,8536,305 from all patient and contract services.Excess of revenues over expenses$90,946$14,634 NON-OPERATING REVENUESIncludes revenues and losses from investments, contributions and CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET support from endowments.Fiscal year ending September 30 (in thousands) 20212020 Balance Sheet GuideCash & other current assets $217,229$179,308 LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS Long-term investments365,305296,887 Includes funds restricted by donors Funds held by trustee and restricted funds125,75657,462 or outside agencies, as well as funds Property, plant & equipment-net221,337203,973 designated by the Board of Trustees Other assets17,27114,221 for long-term investment.Total assets$946,898$751,851NET ASSETS Current liabilities$192,905$118,690 Represents the value of the Long-term liabilities224,646263,207 Hospital that is available to meet Net assets: future facility, equipment and Without donor restriction480,444331,060 strategic needs. With donor restriction48,90338,894Operating expenses total$946,898$751,851'