b'CONCORDC T T RANONRUTA LRO IA O SO A V OIWONHS 7 HOONSCPOI RADLHAONSNPUIAALL EP |E P ARFTF I L | T I MNI SAINND- DCRCIREEND IGTART TIntegration | Information TechnologyThe Hospitals purchase of bankrupt LRGHealthcare and its two hospitals in the Lakes and Three Rivers Regions was more than an intricate financial accomplishment. Behind the scenes, working under enormous deadline pressure, the Hospitals Information Technology (IT) staff completed a complex cyber project to support the financial transition. IT continues its work to stabilize and standardize a multitude of outdated or vulnerable LRGHealthcare systems. Achieving the Hospitals healthcare goals rides on the success of what could be two years of important IT work. Number one is getting their IT environment safe and secure, said Deane Morrison, Concord Hospital Chief Information Officer. We need to prevent potential malware or ransomware attacks by building multi-layer defenses. As FY 2021 closed, IT was working on three main initiatives at the former LRGHealthcare facilities: Renovating an aging IT and wireless network;Replacing the general accounting system to conform with Concord Hospitals system;Converting the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system to conform with Concord Hospitals system, while keeping some aspects of the LRGHealthcare system intact. Morrison hopes to complete the network and general accounting work by the end of the calendar year and the EHR conversion in the first quarter of 2022.A second phase will include standardizing email, installing a new telephone system and standardizing dozens of IT applications for tasks such as managing credentials, quality assurance, and compiling and organizing cardiology and radiology diagnostic images.'