b'642021 Charitable Achievements of Concord Hospital - Laconia / Concord Hospital - FranklinA Year of TransitionFor what was once LRGHealthcareMore than $1.8 million was directed to and is now Concord Hospital - Laconiasupport aff ordability of care through and Concord Hospital - Franklin, Fiscalfi nancial and prescription assistance Year 2021 was one of endings and newcounselors, charitable care, dental care beginnings. Amidst the pandemic andand unreimbursed Medicaid. Serving within the shadow of a bankruptcy,165 individuals, $561,711 supported on May 1, the organizations beganEmergency Department behavioral building anew to assure local carehealth services. Nearly $588,000 that would respond to the needs ofwas invested to care for 955 people community members as identifi ed inchallenged by substance misuse issues.the 2020 Lakes Region CommunityAssuring access to needed medical Health Needs Assessment. care to support community members, the organization invested $4,557,529 to support physician practices. Care coordination, programs for chronic health conditions and dedicated A PRIMARY CARE EXAM ROOMeducation for elders supported the IN FRANKLINneed for senior care. Serving nearly The Assessment was conducted8,000 people, more than $640,000 was in collaboration with Central NH VNAFrom May through September, 2021, Concord Hospital - Laconia andinvested for this purpose.& Hospice, HealthFirst Family Health Center, and Partnership forConcord Hospital - Franklin provided Public Health. a total of $8,267,339 in charitable activities, which includes $1,446,579 The priority health needsin unreimbursed Medicaid to serve identifi ed include:7,353 people.Aff ordability of health insurance, cost of care and prescription drugs;Availability of mental health services;Alcohol and drug use prevention, treatment and recovery; CONCORD HOSPITAL - FRANKLINAvailability of primary care andPRIMARY CARE specialty medical services; In addition to these planned Services and supports forinvestments, Concord Hospital - Laconia older adults; and Concord Hospital - Franklin Economic determinants of health. extended themselves on the frontline of the pandemic this past year, providing 711 hours of emergency preparedness support and also 5,286 CONCORD HOSPITAL - LACONIA LOBBY vaccines as one of only eight hospitals Nearly 99 percent ($8,157,254) of thein New Hampshire off ering a public organizations charitable investmentsvaccine clinic. [ see Story, page 68 ]responded to health needs identifi ed in the 2020 Assessment.'