b'CONCORD HOSPITAL ANNUAL REPORT | OUR PEOPLE ~ OUR MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE 25Partnerships|Riverbend The Concord community hasRiverbend works closely with the benefited for years from an innovativeHospital Emergency Department, collaboration between Concordinpatient and outpatient care. The Hospital and Riverbend CommunityHospital contracts with Riverbend to Mental Health. The close relationshipsupport the in-house psychiatric team. connects resources at the Hospital andThe need for behavioral health and Riverbend to address every patientsaddiction services remains high due physical and behavioral health needs. to the opioid crisis and the continuing We work collaboratively with theCOVID-19 pandemic. Madden fears Hospital to address any of the issuesthat many more residents will face related to people living with mentalbehavioral health challenges as illness and addictions throughpandemic-related job losses cause multiple programs, said Lisa Madden,evictions or foreclosures. If so, the Riverbends President and CEO and thestrength of the Riverbend-Concord Hospitals Vice President of BehavioralHospital partnership will help meet Health. Our goal is to try to havethe need. people seek services in an outpatient setting first and only have to go into an inpatient environment if their symptoms require. Maddens dual titles are a clear statement about the importance the Hospital and Riverbend place on their partnership and on whole person health, ensuring that behavioral health issues, addiction and physical ailments are addressed together. Concord is the only New Hampshire community where the head of the community mental health organization also is a member of the local hospitals senior leadership.'