b'CONCORD HOSPITAL ANNUAL REPORT | OUR PEOPLE ~ OUR MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE27Partnerships| A New Leadership Pairing Model for SuccessThe Hospital is improving carePhysician leaders are recognized asThe community also benefi tted as the and ensuring that more patientsa valuable voice in shaping policy orexpanded perspective helped CHMG benefi t from that care with a newprocedural changes and in advocatingPrimary Care practices achieve a major leadership model that pairs nursingfor them with their colleagues. accomplishment in 2021successfully administrators and physiciansThe physician leader understands theopening practices to more new patients to manage the Hospitalsimpact that changes have on providersand helping current patients resume clinical services. maybe in a diff erent way than theprovider visits amidst the pandemic. The new model combines diff erentadministrator would, said HospitalPreviously, CHMGs 88 primary care expertise and viewpoints to removeVice President of Operations Jamesproviders in 13 practices generally common barriers in communicationsThorne. When the conversation aboutsaw 3,000 new primary care patients among clinical and administrativechanges is physician to physician, its aa year. In 2021, even with COVID-19 staffand reduce potential delays indiff erent conversation than if it is solelykeeping some away, practices cared addressing concerns or improving care. administrator to physician.fornearly 7,000 new patients. In 2021, the approach guided theThe model served the community andThe leadership model includes Hospital and CHMG as they maintainedpatients well during the pandemicappointing the same physician as high quality care while navigatingby helping the Hospital and CHMGclinical leader for related services in challenges including COVID-19,respond quickly to testing, treatmentthe Hospital and CHMG, strengthening the LRGHealthcare acquisition andand vaccination procedures. The rapidlyrelationships between the services. workforce shortages.evolving landscape required almostAs an example, Dr. William Santis is The clinical and administrative leadersdaily changes in staffassignmentsthe Associate Chief Clinical Officer for are organized into ten, two-personand workfl owwhich contributed toCHMG Surgical Specialties (outpatient teams based on the type of care ormaintaining the high level of care thesurgery) and Concord Hospital Surgical service they provide.[ see list, page 29 ] community has come to expect.Services (inpatient surgery). He is paired with Administrative Directors Heather They are equal partners in decision- Smith in Surgical Specialties and Janna making discussions that traditionallyPitman in Surgical Services. included only administrators. Patients benefi t daily from improvements throughout the Hospital, better coordination of care through the Concord Hospital health system and more access to primary and specialty providers and the Hospital.DECISION MAKINGAdministrative Clinical LeaderLeader'