b'78Volunteer ServicesOur volunteers our community.Throughout the Hospital, volunteers comfort patients, cuddle babies, call Bingo games and contribute their time and talent to support the Hospitals quality medical care.Some of the Hospitals 180-200 volunteers answer patient call bells to provide non-medical help like cool water, a warm blanket or a sympathetic ear. Others share music, books and art supplies or their specially trained therapy dogs.[ see Story, page 80 ]Still others hold babies born needing to withdraw from opioids. The assignment is so popular there is a waiting list for new cuddlers.One of the newest opportunities is for End-of-Life Companions to provide comfort and company to patients near death who have no loved ones present. Our volunteers are a huge benefi t, said Jessica Bailey, the Hospitals Volunteer Services Program Manager. They help so staffcan focus more on the patients medical needs.There are numerous opportunities for volunteers to help directly with patients and visitors or behind the scenes with tasks such as preparing patient information packets or mailings. More volunteers are always welcome. Through the pandemic, TherapeuticOpportunities are always evolving. A passion to help is what counts!Arts and Holistic Services off ered volunteer musicians, Bingo games and relaxation sessions through theT O LE A R NN MHospitals room television network A Ohelping patients while providing anC RS Eadded measure of safety for volunteersand patients.V O SEILU N ITT NEE T URORSEEOPPor call (603) 227-7000 ext. 3660.'