b'CONCORD HOSPITAL ANNUAL REPORT | OUR COMMUNITY ~ GIVING WITH PURPOSE 55Far from merely housing a youngOne child who was in Concord HospitalCaring for young behavioral health patient until a behavioral health bed isfor 32 days was appropriatelypatients involves a delicate balance available, the Hospital protectsdischarged to his home instead ofbetween providing the appropriate patients, begins effective clinical andHampstead Hospital. This was madesupport while keeping patients safe as therapeutic support and engagespossible through the Hospitals complex,some wait extended periods for a spot patients with age-appropriate activitiescoordinated care plan that includedat Hampstead Hospital. to improve their well-being. medication, setting an age-appropriateAs part of that balance, Terri Kotrady, routine and working closely with hisConcord Hospitals Nurse Manager for family and community support services. Behavioral Health Services, meets every To help ensure patients are moved tomorning with the care team to discuss the behavioral health facility as soon aswhich patients can safely be moved possible, the Hospital teams set a goalfrom the ED to the Pediatric Unit. of creating a patient-specific safetyThe care teams, including Concord plan, getting an admission order,Hospital and Riverbend leadership, having a pediatric hospitalist see eachalso meet monthly to discuss ways to patient and coordinating a multi- improve care so that more children can disciplinary team huddle to evaluatebe discharged safely to their homes the patients needs within 12 hours ofwith community support.them being seen in the ED. The team Adolescents who have attemptedattained the goal for more than 95 suicide also are seen by the Youthpercent of patients, initiating care Suicide Prevention Liaison frompromptly and having the proper NAMI-New Hampshire, the statedocumentation in place to transfer them chapter of the National Alliance foras soon as space became available.Mental Illness. The liaison offers the patients and parents support, psychiatric education and other resources. Parents and children facing behavioral health struggles can find help at:riverbendcmhc.org NAMINH.org oror 1-844-743-5748 1-800-242-6264'