b'44EXCEPTIONAL CARDIAC CARE AT HOME | The KruppsJerry and Rita Krupp have movedThough most often they still see doctors 16 times as a couple, includingin Concord, being able to see their overseas. In the process, they havespecialists close to home is a bonus.relied on many diff erent health systemsIf I can make an appointment in for their care, which included delicateLaconia, I do, said Rita, 85. It works cardiac treatment.much better instead of having to drive. Now, they live in Laconia and areIf you can stay more local, its grateful that through Concord Hospitalmuch easier.Cardiovascular Institute, they canRita has had many procedures and schedule cardiac appointments in theirmedications over the years to address community with the same specialistsher atrial fi brillation, but her who perform advanced cardiaccondition continued. procedures at the Hospital. PATIENT JERRY KRUPP AND After moving to Laconia, she sawCARDIOLOGIST DR. MOOSSAVIRita has had appointments at ConcordDr. Clayton Jones at Concord Hospital Hospital Cardiology - Laconia withCardiologys office in Laconia. Then,I had been getting weaker and I didnt specialists to address her history ofat Concord Hospital, he implanted aknow why, he said about six weeks atrial fi brillation, an irregular heartpacemaker to control Ritas irregularafter the procedure. I feel great. I felt rhythm that can lead to blood clots inheartbeat. Her overall health improved,great two hours after the procedure. I the heart. She had a pacemaker andand she regained her energy. could breathe better and I just felt more Watchman implanted by those samealive, and its only gotten better since doctors at the Hospital. More recently, she was referred to Dr. Adam Chodosh, also of Concordthen. Of all of the procedures Ive had in Jerry had a failing aortic heart valveHospital Cardiology, because of severalmy lifetime, this was the best.replaced at the Hospital. bleeding episodes not uncommon inRita has a background in nursing, so When the Krupps moved to Laconiapacemaker patients who must takeshe appreciated the attention and three years ago, they chose Concordblood thinners. Dr. Chodosh implantedcaring focused on her and her husband, Hospital and its primary care andthe Watchman device in December,including information boards in their cardiac specialists based on sage advicewhich reduced Ritas risk of strokerooms that listed members of their care and new recommendations. through blood clots. With the device,team. She also complimented the Food I have three generations of doctors inshe can stop taking blood thinners. Service employees and Environmental my family, and they always advised meAfter Jerry, 85, experienced chestServices cleaning staff .when I got in trouble to seek the centerpains in September, tests showed hisBoth were impressed with the team of excellence in what you do, Jerry said. aortic heart valve was narrowed andapproach to their carewith them as With that guidance and recommend- failing. The valve regulates the fl ow ofactive members of that team.ations from their son, a New Hampshireblood from the heart to the rest of theIn the past, doctors were sort of physician, and a friend who is a physicianbody. Dr. Shahab Moossavi of Concordgods, they told people what to do and assistant at Concord Hospital, theyHospital Cardiology replaced the valveyou didnt ask questions, Rita said. turned to the Hospital.in a minimally invasive procedureNow, you are very included in all of called TAVR, in which the new valve isthe decision making, which gives you threaded to the heart through a veinconfi dence that you are getting the in the groin. Jerry said he felt betterproper care.immediately and was back home the next day.'