b'80PETS UPLIFT PEOPLE|Meet Susie AtticusMedical professionals arent the onlyTherapeutic Arts and Holistic ServicesThats just the way he is.healers who make the rounds to seeCoordinator. The visits also helpSoucy said studies have shown that patients at the Hospital. reduce stress for staff . being around animals calms patients Enter Atticus, an English LabradorPatient Amy Waterman beamed whenand helps them heal.Retriever who is a star member ofAtticus entered her room wearing a redPatients or their care teams or families the Hospitals Pets Upliftscarf and official Concordcan request a PUP visit. The visits People (PUP) Program thatHospital nametag. generally are brief, less than fi ve brings specially trainedHello handsome,minutes, but long enough to make a and certifi ed therapyshe said as Atticus satdiff erence.dogs to visit patients andpatiently in a chair next to Hospital staff .We see the switchover of the patients her. Im so glad toemotional state of being, Soucy said. Atticus and his owner,see you. When the pet walks in, the patient is Susie Nichols, are in theAmy said the visitsimmediately smiling and happy.Hospital once a weekATTICUS OWNER,make her day.for about two hours,SUSIE NICHOLS And when they leave, she said, care usually visiting 20-25 patientsI know I smile a lot whenteams generally see a relaxed and and interacting with up to 50 staff he is here, she said, while pettinghappier patient.members who swarm around himAtticus. When there is bad in theAtty was born to do this job, said in the hallways in between hisworld, pets can give you that little bitNichols. He loves it. He loves people patient visits.of security and hope. They know whenand he loves the attention of people.you are feeling sad.Atticus, nicknamed Atty, is one ofNichols and Atticus volunteered at Mass six therapy dogs on the HospitalsDown the hall, Atticus sat on the fl oorGeneral Hospital for fi ve years before PUP team.as patient Doug Welch reached downmoving to New London. They have from a chair to scratch his back. been visiting patients at the Hospital The whole point is to help the patient feel more relaxed and comfortable,Id like him to come up on the bed andsince August 2021.said Kourtney Soucy, the Hospitalssleep with me, he said. Nichols said sometimes patients react Hes helped me a lot right here, Dougwith smiles, sometimes with tears, said, while tapping his chest. Rightsometimes with both.through the heart. He has gotten to me.Ive even had patients who were in comas wake up when family members Its the mosthave them pet the dog, she said.rewardingTaking Atticus home after a busy shift volunteer workat the Hospital is tough.I always wish there was one more Ive ever done. patient that I could see, Nichols said. I feel its so benefi cial to so many.^Susie NicholsCONCORD HOSPITAL VOLUNTEER'