b'36BEING IN EXPERT HANDS MATTERS| Barbara RuedigWhen Barbara Ruedig of Concordeveryone involved patiently answered had an accident in the autumn ofher questions, explained her options 2021, she learned first-hand aboutand showed sincere concern about the value of the long-termher condition. collaboration between the HospitalTheir attention included international and COPA. contact between Dr. Kurtz and COPA As Barbara reached for a light switchcolleague, Dr. Stephen Fox, who had from a ladder to a bedroom loft, thereplaced Barbaras knee earlier in ladder slid on the hardwood floor andthe year. Barbara was concerned the collapsed. Barbara broke her femur, orinjury might have damaged her knee. thigh bone, the strongest and longestHer husband, Michael, texted Dr. Fox, bone in the body. who was on vacation. Dr. Kurtz then Barbara soon was in the Hospitals ED. consulted with his colleague. We describe these as periprostheticDR. KURTZ AT THE ORTHOPAEDIC She remembers a flurry of activitySURGERY CENTERas the ED team led by Dr. Lon Setnikfractures, and they require special evaluated her injury and workedattention and techniques to avoidNurse Anesthetist Brendan Murphy to make her comfortable: a nurseproblems with the joint replacement,thoroughly explained Barbaras removing her earrings for safe-keeping,Dr. Kurtz said. Having orthopaedicanesthesia options. a radiology technologist taking X-raystrauma specialists as well as jointDr. Kurtz inserted a titanium rod in with a portable X-ray machine to avoidreplacement specialists communicatingBarbaras broken femur, and after two having to move her and a member ofand on the same team is critical to adays of recovery in the Hospital, she the team carefully putting her leg insuccessful outcome.was discharged, using a walker. She has traction to immobilize the broken bone.Also, before the surgery, anesthesiol- received follow-up care from another That was so good, Barbara said. Anyogist Dr. Fathi Bashir and RegisteredHospital partner, Granite VNA, and little motion was excruciating and I waseffective rehabilitation through physical in terror because I was afraid of howtherapist Sarah Eberhart at Concord much it would hurt. But, because it wasHospital Rehabilitation Services. done very, very slowly and with suchDr. Kurtz said the community benefits care, I was amazed that it didnt hurt. from the partnership between the Later in the day, Barbara met COPAHospital and COPA, which provides trauma specialist Dr. Anton Kurtz andfor round-the-clock, state-of-the-art learned that they lived a few doorscare to patients who need expert away from each other. They had notorthopaedic trauma surgery. met because the Kurtz family moved inWe can rely on excellence from the at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,OR staff, nurses, anesthesia group, which did not allow for cordial visitshospitalists, physical therapists and between new neighbors.others at every point in the patients Throughout her treatment, recoveryjourney from the ED through surgery, and rehabilitation, Barbara saidrecovery, rehab and beyond, he said.'