b'CONCORDC H RADL H TAALLRAENPNOURATP I|A IONS A DEA ED TFIIORNST 39OONSCPOITAONSNPUI LR|E OARFTF IL T UR CNAR ~C CPARTIEINTATSThen, LRGHealthcare asked ConcordPatient Service Representative AshleyWe know more of the local resources Hospital to consider opening a FamilyMorel said patients also benefitaround Laconia and the region, so its Place satellite office in Laconia.because the practice staff andbeneficial to patients if they need help Dr. David Stevenson said he saw thatproviders have cared for patients inwith transportation or other assistance, option as an improvement for mothersthe community for years through theMorel said. in the Lakes and Three Rivers RegionsCaring for Women practice or LaconiaThe practice staffs long history and an opportunity for him, as a 23-yearClinic and have long relationships withprovides patients a familiar face and Concord Hospital physician, to be anlocal services. trusted care.important link between those mothersMorel has worked in Laconia since 2011,With our communication and and his colleagues at the Hospital. Certified Medical Assistant Melissa Clay,relationship with Concord Hospital, Concord Hospital Family Placesince 2009; and Hannah Fontanez, RN,we can provide our patients the Prenatal Care offers mothers in thesince 2016. Certified Nurse Midwifereassurance that we are taking great region many benefits, including Dr.Lucy Wilson has worked in the Lakescare of them here and in Concord when Stevensons familiarity with theRegion since 2007, delivering babies atthey have their baby, Wilson said. Its procedures and providers in Concord,Lakes Region General Hospital fromsort of a wraparound service after the as well as the ability of providers in2009-2018.birth, with them coming back into our Laconia and Concord to have instantarms for their access to patient records, improvingpostpartum care.communications and making care more seamless. Dr. Stevenson said it is very important for expectant moms to have care in their community while being able to give birth at Concord Hospital.Its important to recognize how many visits a patient will have, he said. Unlike a person from Laconia visiting with their Primary Care Provider in Concord once a year, for our patients, it generally involves 13 or more visits over the course of a pregnancy. Consider8.5% more births than expected all of the travel time that would bein 2021. *to Concord. On average, Concord Hospital FamilyDuring 2020,Families fromThe Hospital Place Prenatal Care is seeing 120some familiesthe Lakes and Threeincreased outreach pregnant patients who deliver theirchoose to have theirRivers Regions chooseand family education babies in Concord. babies at birth centersto give birth at Concordto prenatal practices, to avoid being in theHospital, in large partconnecting more Hospital at the heightbecause of their abilityfamilies to services of the pandemic.to receive care beforeand support available In 2021, the trendand after delivery atthrough The Family reversed as familiesConcord Hospital FamilyPlace.were reassured that thePlace Prenatal Care Hospital was safe.in Laconia.* In FY 2021, budgeted or projected births were 1,260.Actual births were 1,367.'