b'CONCORD HOSPITAL ANNUAL REPORT | OUR CARE ~ PATIENT FIRST 31PATIENTThe numberFirstone factor in any decisionAs an integral element of its Patient First philosophy, the Hospital careswe make,what patients think about their healthcare experiences, listens when they off er praise or criticism and acts promptly to earn their trust. This year, the Hospital partnered with an outside service to implement a Our Care whethermore efficient, timely and useful method for patients to off er their thoughts.The new method reaches thousands more patients than in the past by it be a process,texting or emailing short questionnaires that encourage patients to share specifi c comments, replacing lengthy paper surveys that often provided vague results. Now, responses have tripled, sometimes arriving within a day a workow,of the patients visit.a financial decision or new leadership model, is: Are we putting the Measuring success also has shifted from whether the patient had a patient first? satisfying experience to patient loyaltyhow likely the patient is to recommend the Hospitals services to family and friends, even if part of their experience was not as expected.Its a high bar because we dont recommend what we dont trustso ^ that says a lot, said Gretchen Andrews, RN, Director of Quality Performance Matthew Gibb, MD and Patient Safety.CONCORD HOSPITAL CHIEF CLINICAL OFFICER The comments are very useful. For instance, previously, a patient might rank Wait time, as a two on a scale of ten, with no comment. Now, a patient can provide a detailed description of their wait and how their providers office responded.'