b'54THE IMPACT OF OUR CHARITABLE ACHIEVEMENTS|Pediatric HealthChildren have been among the hardest hit by the stress, anxietyand depression caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.As a result, Concord Hospital and its community partners have taken creative steps to care for the dramatic increase in young behavioral health patients, keeping them safe and providing support as some wait to be transferred to Hampstead Hospital, the states only behavioral health facility for children.The pandemic was particularly difficult for children for many reasons. When schools transitioned to remote learning, children lost their daily in-person contact and support system. With nowhere else to go, those who experienced struggles at home were confined in their challengingIn Fiscal Year 2021, the numberIn the ED, patients are assessed and environment. Often, they connectedof pediatric behavioral healthcared for by a team that includes on social media with others facingpatients admitted to Concordbehavioral health experts from similar issues, but instead of support,Hospitals Pediatric Unit more thanRiverbend Community Mental Health, at times, those connections furtherdoubled and the number of daysthe ED clinical team and the Hospitals complicated their condition. they stayed in the Unit nearly tripledpediatric and psychiatric providers. At school, kids had structure and afrom the year before.The ED and Pediatric Unit care includes system of resources available to them,Not all pediatric behavioral healthone-to-one attention from a Patient said Melissa Devine, Clinical Nursepatients are admitted to the PediatricSafety Attendant (PSA) who sits with Manager at The Family Place at ConcordUnit. Depending on their condition andthe patient to monitor their safety and Hospital.When schools closed due tothe availability of beds, some mightprovide a professional companion.the pandemic, the shift away fromstay in one of two specialized units in routine structure and consistentMaking a connection with the patient resources, as well as the unsettling fearthe ED until transferred to the nextgives them the feeling they have an ally, of the unknown, led to an increase inlevel of care, especially if their behaviora human and therapeutic support who mental health symptoms, causing ancreates a danger to themselvesis with the patient 24/7 until discharge, increase in conditions such as anxietyor others.said Devine. and depression.'