b'72I am so grateful to the people at Concord Hospital because they have given me the opportunity to have more time with my children, my grandchildren and my wife.^Ralph FrisellaCONCORD HOSPITAL CARDIOVASCULAR PATIENTEverybody in that room went intoRehabilitation was an important part of action, Ralph said. It was like a well- the CVI team eff ort. Ralph worked hard oiled machine. Youve got the doctor,to rebuild his stamina, so much so that then youve got all of the staff . If youDr. Wicks said Ralphs heart function remove any one of those people, I die. was totally normal in early August, less Ralph sensed the professionalism,than two months after the heart attack. skill and compassion of his care team,Typically, it takes three months for that easing his stress and building his trust.amount of progress for someone with the level of heart damage Everybody I met in the Hospital, theRalph experienced.physical therapists, the doctors, the nursesit was not a 9-to-5 job. It wasEverybody is educating you along personal, he said. Im a nobody, butthe waythe doctors, the nurses, the everybody took me on as though I wasI am ex-military, the former Navyphysical therapist, the dietitian, Ralph a personal friend. helicopter crew member told hissaid. That education is what helps you Ralph appreciated that his providersdoctors. I know how to take orders.have the best outcome long-term.communicated clearly about hisYou have my word, you let me go homeHe was so impressed that he is condition and care, got to know himand I will follow your directions, yourtransferring all of his care to the Hospital.and included him in the care team. orders, to the letter.I want Concord Hospital to be the When he learned his doctors plannedRalphs team listened and trusted him.facility I go to for whatever my medical to keep him in the Hospital for aInstead of being hospitalized for aneeds may be and all of that is because week, Ralph promised to follow theirweek, he was discharged four days afterof the cardiovascular team, every single directions if they would send himhis heart attack. He also began cardiacperson, he said. home sooner.rehabilitation at the Hospital.'