b'34Excelling in Orthopaedic CareTHE NEW ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY CENTER (OSC)IN CONCORDConcord Hospital and ConcordWe have an amazing team of surgeons, Orthopaedics (COPA) began a newnurses, surgical technologists and phase in their 26-year partnershipsupport staffwho all work in tandem to in 2021, expanding access to care inprovide the best care for our patients, Concord and Laconia. said OSC Director Kristen Murphy. In January, the HospitalsPatients benefi t from being Orthopaedic Institute, inin the comfort of their own home conjunction with COPA, openedafter surgery and having family a state-of-the-art Orthopaedicmembers or friends able to assist Surgery Center (OSC). The new OSCwith recovery. more than doubled the size of the former surgical center, enabling COPA specialists to off er more procedures and care for patients who do not require ahospital stay. CLINICAL STATION AREA IN THE OSC'