b'32Specific comments give the Hospital the opportunity to make improvements or compliment staff for a job well done.Kathleen Wieliczko, the Hospitals Patient Relations Coordinator, manages patient feedback received by phone, in person, mail or email and reads all of the patient survey comments. To ensure criticism is noticed, the service uses an artificial intelligence tool to highlight comments containing words that could indicate a complaint. When she receives a concern, Wieliczko notifies a manager who addresses the issue, sometimes by contacting the patient directly. Survey comments and other patient feedback is overwhelmingly positive,As an example, the increasing numberKathleen Wieliczko, Concord with complaints between one andof patients, combined with staffHospitals Patient Relations two percent. Daily, Wieliczko seesshortages affecting all hospitals,Coordinator, bases her approach comments that include a concernhave caused longer wait times in theto building trust with patients on about one aspect of a visit and aEmergency Department (ED).L.A.S.T: Listen. Apologize. Solve. compliment about others, includingThank.praise for specific nurses, doctors orWieliczko and ED managers have made staff members. Wieliczko sends thosechanges based on patient comments.First, listen to truly understand what comments to the staff member andThe ED moved physicians to the triagethe patient is upset about, she said. manager as a morale boost. area to expedite testing. WieliczkoThe last thing is to thank them for CHMG physicians also receive aand Quality Performance and Patienttaking the time to share and help monthly report with all commentsSafety staff also check on patients inus learn.shared by the patients they saw in athe waiting room, wiping down seats medical office. and providing blankets, water and stuffed animals or activities for children. Wieliczko works to maintain loyalA water vending machine was placed in patient relationships, even if itthe waiting room, as well, in response means not totally satisfying everyto many comments about the lack of patients concern. water for waiting patients. We want to build a relationship so theyWe have been working to provide trust that even if something doesnt gopatients in the ED as much support as well as maybe the patient expected,as we can, Wieliczko said. Thats an they are willing to work with us as weexample of how patient feedback work through it, she said.is being listened toand we are working on more solutions.'