b'28THE NEW MODEL HAS HELPED OPEN ACCESS TO MORE PATIENTSCombining and coordinating inpatientFor instance, with the Intensive CareThe dual leadership also is helping and outpatient surgery under oneUnit (ICU) frequently full, Inpatientthe Hospital improve care and leadership structure has improvedServices, the Cardiovascular Instituteintegrate operations with the newly patients access to surgery. Theand Acute Care providers areacquiredConcord Hospital - Laconia. programs share staffand patients. Theycollaborating to care for lessand Concord Hospital - Franklin. have expanded office procedures andcritically ill ICU patients in otherDr. Matthew Gibb, Concord Hospitalhave moved some surgeries from theappropriate settings.Chief Clinical Officer, said the Concord Hospital Operating Room (OR) to theIn addition, Inpatient Services careHospital health system stands apart Concord Ambulatory Surgery Centerteam members create an action-itemfrom many health systems that (CASC) to keep the OR available forlist for each patient to more efficientlypromote similar leadership models, more complex procedures. meet the patients needs. The teambut where administrators still make Improved communications betweenalso implemented a review anddecisions without much official nursing administrative and clinical leaders inproblem-solving structure to helpor physician input. the Hospitals Inpatient Services andmanage challenges and continueYou can do it in name or you could other Hospital departments has helpedfuture improvement. really do it, he said. We are doing it coordinate patient fl ow throughoutand really meaning that we want these every stage of Hospital care.integrated management teams built so they function well.'