b'CONCORDC H TADL H TAALLRAENPNOURATR|E P OARFTF I|A ION A DE A EINTATT FIIORNST 41OONSCPOIRAONSNPUI LIL T USR CNAR~C CPRAETDI SGIVING BIRTH CLOSE TO HOME| Makenzie PellissierFor Makenzie Pellissier of Bridgewater,Her normal commute is about an hour,For Makenzie, that meant having a Concord Hospital Family Place Prenatalso having appointments in Concordteam that mobilized quickly to perform Care in Laconia offered excellent carewould have added another 40 minutesan emergency C-section after 12 hours during and after her pregnancy in abehind the wheel.of labor. location that saved her hours of driving. It would have meant more drivingWe were very happy to be in a place Aside from the convenience, it providedand having to take more time off workwhere they were able to get her out an important connection to The Familyin order to make my appointments,quickly, she said. We have a healthy Place at Concord Hospital, whereMakenzie said. baby as a result.she delivered her first child, Nora, byAt The Family Place Prenatal Care,Makenzie chose Concord Hospital emergency C-section in September. Makenzie found a welcomingbecause she had heard from many atmosphere that started with Patientwomen that The Family Place was Service Representative Ashley Morel,friendly, caring and supportive who scheduled months of appoint- of breastfeeding. ments and helped coordinate her care.She said thats exactly what she and her She found compassionate and experthusband, Paul, found for the birth of care from Certified Nurse Midwife Lucytheir daughter at the Hospital and the Wilson and the practices nurses. prenatal care at the practice in Laconia.The practice offers a nearby option toThe team at The Family Place Prenatal pregnant moms in the Lakes Region toCare welcomed Paul at prenatal visits, receive a high-quality level of care thatincluding ultrasound appointments we dont always think is available inthat showed the couple the first Laconia is about halfway betweenmore rural places, Makenzie said. images of Nora. At The Family Place at Makenzies workplace in Loudon andProviders also work closely withConcord Hospital, he was welcomed her home, so she was able to leavetheir colleagues at The Family Placeas Makenzies support person and work a little early and schedule mostat Concord Hospital, sharing thecoached on ways to help her during of her monthly, then weekly, prenatalnecessary medical records so when thelabor as the team worked to deliver a appointments for late in the day on herbig day arrives, everything is in placehealthy baby girl. way home from work.for a safe delivery.BridgewaterLaconiaLoudon'