b'CONCORD HOSPITAL ANNUAL REPORT | OUR COMMUNITY ~ GIVING WITH PURPOSE 51512021 Charitable AchievementsExtending Our Charitable Mission to Communities in the Lakes and Three Rivers Regions.In 2021, amidst COVID-19 surges,In Fiscal Year 2021, despite the COVID-19Beyond the Hospitals traditional unprecedented numbers of patientspandemic, the Hospital continuedinvestments, the organization made needing care and the ongoing twiststo invest in identified communitythe extraordinary and unprecedented and turns of the pandemic, the Hospitalneeds, including access to affordablemove to acquire the LRGHealthcare worked to re-establish many of thehealth care, behavioral healthsystem following its filing for programs and services that reflectand substance misuse, vulnerablebankruptcy. Reflecting an extension of the organizations worthiness of itspopulations and healthy behaviors.the Hospitals charitable mission, the tax-exempt status and philanthropicThe Hospital invested $81,282,638acquisition assured the employment of support from community members. of its annual budget to meet theover 1,100 staff and medical providers Emergency preparedness is anneeds of vulnerable neighbors andand, most importantly, access to important community building activity,all community members. Theseongoing, high quality community-which is considered a charitablecharitable achievements includebased care. Beyond the purchase price, achievement. The Hospital continued$77,813,478, nearly 93 percent, tothe Hospital invested $5.1 million to to focus significant attention, fundingrespond specifically to the health needssubsidize the operations of Concord and human resources to confront theidentified in the most recent CapitalHospital - Laconia and Concord pandemic, which resulted in a numberRegion Health Needs AssessmentHospital - Franklin from May through of peaks over the past year. In addition,conducted in 2018. September as rebuilding began. the Hospital supported numerous stateIncluded in Hospital achievements areNo one organization can do it all; -run initiatives to vaccinate residents.$27,554,924 in unreimbursed costs forcollaboration and partnerships are More than $2.3 million was investedcaring for 16,720 Medicaid patients.vital to meeting needs, enhancing and 16,507 staff hours were providedIn addition, Concord Hospital Trusthealth and supporting our community to ensure a comprehensive response toprovided $2.5 million to support themembers quality of life. The Hospital is COVID-19, which continued to plagueHospitals charitable work and thegrateful to the many organizations that the region last year and will againneeds of vulnerable populations for ajoined our charitable activities in 2021. in 2022. total charitable investment of nearly $84 million.To learn more about the 2018 Capital Region Health Needs Assessment and the 2019-2021 Community Benefit Action Plan T O LE A R NN MA OC RES 20 2 S1 T C NH EARI E MT VABLE ACHIE'